We'll help you to attract the very best talent

Printweek is the UK’s leading magazine and website for professionals who work in the printing and packaging industries.

With the widest possible reach and the most in-depth editorial, Printweek Jobs can help reach the very best talent for your vacancies.

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Why advertise with Printweek Jobs?

  • Over 50 years' expertise in the print sector.
  • Our products and services are designed to ensure you target the right candidates with relevant experience.
  • Printweek Jobs is quick and easy to use - with jobs posted in real time.
  • Printweek Jobs is cost-effective, with packages designed to suit every need.
  • All jobs posted are automatically sent via email to relevant candidates on our database.
Printweek Jobs is cost-effective, and can be combined with offline advertising in the hugely renowned publication Printweek. Our audience relies on the editorial content to keep up with the news and best practice in the sector, which means the candidates who apply via the jobsite are typically of the highest quality. Our experienced recruitment sales team can offer advice and guidance on the most suitable listing to get the right person into your department, while managing your return on investment and cost per hire.

Job Posting

Your job is live for up to 4 weeks or until the closing date. Standard jobs appear in the job search results. Their position is determined by the search executed (e.g. location) and by the date they were posted. Includes logo.

Included Upgrades

  • Listing With Logo


Find a single or multiple job product that’s right for you and your budget

  • Save money buying multiple job ads
  • Packages designed for every need
  • Upgrade your advert for a bigger impact
  • Secure online payment or pay by invoice
  • Prices Subject to VAT

Advertise in our magazines

Vacancies can also be advertised within Printweek. Please contact the team for more information. Click here for contact details.

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